Stalls are Inevitable: How to Learn from and Move on From Them

Sometimes I feel like I am taking one step forward and two steps back.

That is how I was feeling this morning. I have been trying to set up Celaque, my company, as a dynamic, growing organization. Our team is much larger now, so what I’m trying to do is both easier and harder. I have had some good fortune, such as people who have joined our company and have taken a load off our shoulders. But with anything, there are some parts of the company that are taking more work.

[Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash]
For example, we missed a hiring target last month, and the sense of futility hit me. I don’t feel that often, as I keep learning about how to deal with setbacks, but yesterday, I felt I was not doing anything right. My schedule is fuller these days, making me feel like I’m falling behind and won’t get anything done. I’m starting to feel like no matter how hard I try, some things do not change.

I wanted to share my feelings if anybody was feeling similarly to see if my experiences might help. When I am feeling this frustration, it’s as if the world closes up. I struggle, and I don’t move as fast as I would like to.

What I try to do when I feel this way is:

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

It works like magic! More often than not, I will wake up feeling refreshed with a new mindset. I turn off all screens before bed, avoid alcohol, and eat early so that I can have the best chance at a good night’s sleep. Reading always tires me, and before I know it, I’m asleep.


Taking even a little break in the middle of the day can disconnect you from whatever is going on and give you a fresh start. I love meditating during my lunch break: it helps me reset, especially after grueling days. Meditation helps us get in touch with our emotions and helps clear up what we are feeling. The more we meditate, the more we get to know ourselves and learn how we respond.

Talk to Someone

Sometimes we need to vent. I usually talk to my husband when something is bothering me. Simply expressing what I am feeling helps me clear my mind. My husband is also an undying optimist, so he always puts a positive spin on anything happening.

If I’m worried about something that I need to resolve, then I speak directly with the person or people involved.

[Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash]

Treat Myself

I reserve certain treats, such as dessert or a longer break, when I need a pick-me-up. After my treat, I inevitably feel better and can move forward.


Like talking to someone, journaling can help you observe your problems and find solutions. The more you take the time to listen to your thoughts as you write, the more you will be able to sort them.

I hope these tips help for when the going gets tough!


Pamela Ayuso is an author and the co-founder and CEO of Celaque. She is a real estate entrepreneur and developer who has executive leadership experience in two of the most successful real estate developers in Honduras — managing operations at Alianza and leading Celaque. Celaque develops office and residential buildings and manages a broad portfolio of properties. Pamela’s focus is on growing Celaque into a model for the 21st-century company.

In addition to her role as CEO at Celaque, Pamela is the author of Amazon best-selling book, Heptagram: The 7-Pillar Business Design System for the 21st Century. She offers practical business and personal development insights for other entrepreneurs and business leaders on her blog and LinkedIn. Her husband and her three wonderful daughters inspired the story of her first children’s book, Alicia and Bunnie Paint a Mural.       

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