Ideas are important for growth, but I would argue that implementation is even more important. It is also very hard because sometimes it takes more than one try to get it right.
Implementation can be very frustrating because you may feel that what you are doing is not working, no matter what you try. Sometimes, we are so attached to a certain way of doing things that we may seek to force an outcome, but that only makes things worse. So, what to do when nothing you do seems to be working?
First, if your plan is not running smoothly or causing too much friction after two or three times, it might be time to reassess. Sometimes, the person you are collaborating with or the system you set up might be working, but the process is too difficult. Maybe you must constantly follow up with the person, or the system keeps breaking down. Or perhaps the workflow is not smooth, or communication is poor.
That is the point at which I recommend taking stock. Try to see what parts of it are working and what parts are not. Communication might be an issue, or perhaps it’s a lack of training. Maybe another person would be a better fit, or you need to rethink your entire approach.
Experiment With Other Methods
When I realize something is not working, I go back to zero and try to find new solutions. Sometimes, the answer might be finding someone with the right training or the time to work on the project. Sometimes, it will be to try a new approach, like a new workflow.
I have had situations when I’ve tried more than three different tactics before what I wanted to implement finally works. After each experiment, I learn something new. I go back to the drawing board and see what worked and what didn’t. And I iterate.
Choose One, And Keep an Open Mind
Once you have a few ideas for improving your implementation, choose your next best option, and try it out. Keep an open mind because it might not work. Or a part of it might work, while something else about it may not.
What matters the most is to keep iterating and trying. Eventually, you will find your way to a solution because one always exists. In the process, you will also learn, providing you with a better sense of how to best implement ideas. With time, you will become better and better. All it takes is persistence and patience.