I often ask myself this question – sometimes we reach a point when much of what we have wanted has already come true, but we know we’re not done yet – we want to do more. And so, the question that pops up in our head is: what’s next?
I have found that the key to answering this question is to continue to explore to find these new places of growth. This is how I search:
Keep Listening
Keep your eyes and ears open. You never know where or when a new idea might come from. I like to expose myself to as much new and different information as possible, then I try to apply these ideas to my reality. The more you listen, the more information you will have, and the more ideas you can brainstorm. When you have an especially good idea, write it down as soon as you can. You would be surprised how easy it is to lose those ideas, and sometimes they are gone, never to return.
Start Small Projects
Whenever I have an idea that I want to try out, I start small. I might give it a few minutes to an hour per week. If I like it, and it’s going well, then I expand it. That is how I started painting: I gave myself an hour a week on Sundays just to paint. At first, I was reluctant to start painting, so I would measure the time it took me to set up my station and get my tea as part of that hour. It truly felt like work.
But then, little by little, I started to enjoy it, and painting became a permanent part of my routine. Now, sometimes the hour will fly by, and I will continue to paint simply because I am enjoying myself so much. Similarly, if you try something new that just doesn’t seem to click for you, you can easily drop it and move on to the next thing.
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Find new places to be in or activities to try out. When you try something new, you expose yourself to new ideas that you may have not previously considered and may enrich your life. Who knows? One of those activities might launch you into a completely new endeavor, or you might meet someone who gives you a new idea you never considered.
Make the Space to Explore
If you have a jam-packed schedule, you will have no room to explore and ideate. And yes, you can very easily cram your routine even more with new activities if you just keep adding in more. This is exactly why it’s important to constantly question if what you are doing is important and makes you happy. Sometimes we keep doing things out of habit, but they are no longer aligned with who we currently are or want to be. So, if something is no longer working for you, just be honest and let it go so you can have space for something you will truly love.