Category: Organization

How to Empty Your Mind for Better Problem Solving & Performance

I am convinced that one of the biggest threats to the adult mind is the amount of everyday information we store in it. All day, our brains are sifting through thousands of to-dos and incomplete items:

  • You forgot to return your client’s call.

  • The proposal has not gone out yet.

  • Taxes are going to be due soon, and you have not prepared the documentation.

  • The printer is acting up and will have to be repaired.

  • You need to start hiring for a new marketing position.

It is relentless. The reminders do not stop until we complete the tasks. The brain’s goal is to make sure we survive, and this is one of the ways it helps us. And your brain is right: the information is useful and important.

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4 Simple Steps to Fix Problems in Your Processes

Even with processes up and running in your business, you will still sometimes run into problems. Perhaps a newsletter did not go out on the date it was supposed to, or a report has missing information. It is impossible to foresee and document every single possibility in your processes.

So, what do you do when you find a gap in the way something needs to be done? You have one of two choices: you can temporarily patch it up, or you can prevent the problem from ever happening again. It pays to take the time to figure out what happened and solve the issue for the future.

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Invest in the Future to Avoid Potential Roadblocks

Have you ever developed a brilliant way of doing something and then forgotten the path you took to arrive there in the first place?

Whenever we do something for the first time, we are making mistakes and learning as we go. We may invest time doing one task but then realize that the process did not work. So, we try a different way again, and this time, it might lead in the right direction. Eventually, the puzzle comes together, and the goal is achieved.

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How to Properly Delegate Work to Your First Hire

Sooner or later, your business will grow to the level where you alone can no longer get everything done. It is inevitable: to grow and stay on track with business demands, more help is required.

Hiring a firm’s first employee is a big change that is both positive and challenging. The new hire will not only take on part of the workload but will hopefully bring new skills and practices that weren’t previously available at the firm.

The goal is to train and set the new hire up to be as successful as possible.

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The Benefits of Implementing Processes in Your Business

Organizing the operations of a business into processes can be time-consuming and perhaps overwhelming. I did not realize just how much we do on a daily basis until I started cataloging everything. From the calls we make and the proposals we send out, to negotiations with suppliers and communication with accounting, everything we do includes different steps that need to be documented.

The investment, though, pays off: your firm will benefit immensely from implementing processes.

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